A conversation between podcast producer Patrick Newman and Thom Rutledge about the beginning steps of working with INTRApersonal Change Process.
Description of INTRApersonal Change Process / PDF Download: https://3f48999b-b083-4400-97b5-96c49b21a0e7.filesusr.com/ugd/e71801_bcea88c1cdd6458caa10058d8b169463.pdf
Thom's book, Embracing Fear: https://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Fear-Turn-Scares-Greatest/dp/0062517759/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Still Me by Christopher Reeve: https://www.amazon.com/Still-Me-New-Afterword-this/dp/034543241X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=still+me&qid=1623863441&s=books&sr=1-2
Lost in the Shuffle by Robert Subby: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Shuffle-Co-Dependent-Robert-Subby/dp/0932194451/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=robert+subby&qid=1623863548&s=books&sr=1-1
Join Allen & Thom at our Thursday night Zoom meeting on Emotional Sobriety and the Steps (Login information copied below)
Password: 375986
How do we handle disruptions in our closest relationships with this new mentality of emotional balance and greater “differentiation?” With Patrick as this week’s...
Allen returns along with therapist Brian Lutz to expand on our chat with Thom last week about recovery and Gestalt therapy. To overcome obstacles...
Let’s exercise more authority and agency over our lives. Moving towards a focus on being rather than having. A bit of Buddhist wisdom: Be...