Having recently returned from his brother’s funeral, Thom reflects on the role Emotional Sobriety has played in his personal growth after a 23 year separation from his family. We also wrap up our earlier conversation about marriage and relationships - “people growers” that test our capacity to be “self governing” rather than unhealthily dependent on our partners.
Follow us on social media.
Twitter: @EmSobrietyPod
Instagram: thomrutledge2
Register for Allen and Thom’s upcoming Emotional Sobriety workshop: The Path to Inner Peace and Emotional Freedom
Sunday, June 26th 2022.
$75 to attend.
For additional details,
Email Thom: [email protected]
Email Allen: [email protected]
Allen’s first book, Love Secrets Revealed:
Allen’s book, 12 Essential Insights for Emotional Sobriety: https://www.amazon.com/12-Essential-Insights-Emotional-Sobriety/dp/1955415129/
Thom's book, Embracing Fear: https://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Fear-Turn-Scares-Greatest/dp/0062517759/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Join Allen & Thom at our Thursday night, 7pm PST Zoom meeting on Emotional Sobriety and the Steps (login information below):
Password: 375986
For our ongoing video series on Emotional Sobriety and the 12 Steps, visit our YouTube channel here:
Also, please join our “Emotional Sobriety and Recovery” FB Group at the following link:
We’d love to stay in touch in between meetings.
We appreciate feedback! Contact Patrick, our producer, at [email protected] for any questions or comments.
At a certain point (or maybe various points) along the recovery way, we each develop an awareness of what we might call our own...
Allen and Thom reunite after some time off for labor and travel. Today we spend some time digging into intimacy and relationships, with a...
From parents to found families to George Washington, Thom and Allen delve into lessons learned from various mentors throughout their lives to discuss how...