Allen, Thom, and Patrick revisit the principle of staying sober for one more day, even when it would make more sense to get loaded. We also spend some time on what it means to “future trip," and how we can stay present while also heading off trouble down the road.
This week’s “Emotional Sobriety” Grapevine Article, “Once a Zombie”:
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast:
Upcoming events with Allen Berger:
Follow us on social media.
Podcast Twitter: @EmSobrietyPod
Instagram: thomrutledge2
Joe C. Twitter: @Rebellion_Dogs
Friendly Circle Berlin Workshop Group meets every Monday @ 7:30pm (Berlin), 6:30pm (Ireland & UK), 1:30pm EST, 10:30am PST
Zoom Link:
Info for the upcoming London International AA Convention:
Allen’s book, 12 Essential Insights for Emotional Sobriety:
Thom's book, Embracing Fear:
Join Allen & Thom at our Thursday night, 7pm PST Zoom meeting on Emotional Sobriety and the Steps (login information below):
Password: 375986
For our ongoing workshop video series on Emotional Sobriety and the 12 Steps, visit our YouTube channel here:
Also, please join our “Emotional Sobriety and Recovery” FB Group at the following link:
We’d love to stay in touch in between meetings.
We appreciate feedback! Contact Patrick, our producer, at [email protected] for any questions or comments.
Allen's conception of recovery as a consciousness of freedom meets Tommy's holistic recovery approach that doesn’t shy away from the 12 steps. Our guest...
Allen and Thom reunite after some time off for labor and travel. Today we spend some time digging into intimacy and relationships, with a...
How can we release ourselves from our own attachment to our pain? This week we clarify a practical and useful definition for forgiveness, touching...