Four of us take stock of our personal arcs towards greater emotional sobriety. Happiness, as Herb Kaighan frames it, isn’t a product of the work we do. It’s a byproduct of our relationships with a life of meaning and purpose, as well as our contributions to humanity. Thom advises self-compassion coupled with personal responsibility - so that we’re keeping ourselves accountable but through a language of love instead of hate. Allen underlines the fact that emotional sobriety isn’t something we arrive at passively. We need to foreground it to bring it into being.
Peg joins us to talk about her more secular conception of a Higher Power, informed by her background in philosophy and the life and...
Why are some people surpassingly resilient in sobriety, not only restoring to their wellness conditions pre-alcoholism and pre-trauma, but emerging even better than they...
Thom and Patrick process thoughts and feelings about the 20th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, specifically remembering that disasters like...