Episode Twenty-Seven: Discovering Novel Solutions

Episode 30 November 14, 2021 00:50:51
Episode Twenty-Seven: Discovering Novel Solutions
Emotional Sobriety: The Next Step in Recovery
Episode Twenty-Seven: Discovering Novel Solutions

Nov 14 2021 | 00:50:51


Show Notes

How we cope with the issue we’re struggling with determines if it continues to be a problem or not. This week, Allen and Thom talk about left and right brain thinking, and how emotional sobriety lives in the space between a stimulus and a response.


Allen’s new book, 12 Essential Insights for Emotional Sobriety: https://www.amazon.com/12-Essential-Insights-Emotional-Sobriety/dp/1955415129/


Thom's book, Embracing Fearhttps://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Fear-Turn-Scares-Greatest/dp/0062517759/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=


Join Allen & Thom at our Thursday night Zoom meeting on Emotional Sobriety and the Steps (login information below)



Password: 375986


Also, please join our “Emotional Sobriety and Recovery” FB Group at the following link:


We’d love to stay in touch in between meetings.


We appreciate feedback! Contact Patrick, our producer, at [email protected] for any questions or comments.

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