Latest Episodes

Episode Twenty-Eight: Breaking the Bonds of Perfectionism
Thom and Allen bring their client and personal experiences to bear to unpack how perfectionism oppresses us, and how we might set ourselves free....

Episode Twenty-Seven: Discovering Novel Solutions
How we cope with the issue we’re struggling with determines if it continues to be a problem or not. This week, Allen and Thom...

Episode Twenty-Six: Living Life on Life’s Terms (Part Two)
To live life on life’s terms, we first need to surrender our expectations. This requires a major shift in our consciousness - easier said...

Episode Twenty-Five: Living Life on Life’s Terms (Part One)
In discussing letting go of our expectations - both the obvious and the hidden - we refer to Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for...

Episode Twenty-Four: Accepting What Is
Finding acceptance in ourselves and in the world is an inescapable key to any recovery. Part of it can be refusing to be in...

Episode Twenty-Three: Recognizing the Problems in Our Relationships as Opportunities
Allen, Thom & Patrick veer away from discussing Dr. Berger's new book into a conversation about how changing the way we look at ourselves...